
Debra Pascali-Bonaro

Birth as an Ocean

Published 6 months ago • 1 min read

What did you feel when you first found out you were pregnant?

What did you wish for your birth?

How did you prepare?

My guest today has a beautiful Orgasmic Birth story she calls "Birth as an Ocean" to show you the full range of emotion, power and support.

In this powerful episode, new mom Annie Weiler shares the transformative story of her 68-hour home birth journey surrounded by her loving family. She describes the ocean-like sensations of her long yet pleasurable labor and birth, the vital support of her doula and midwife, and the incredible bonding experience with her baby and relatives. Annie offers inspiration to other expectant mothers on embracing the waves of labor, trusting your body's wisdom, and savoring each moment.

Key takeaways:

  • Having both a doula and midwife is invaluable
  • The ecstatic and pleasurable sensations of birth
  • Surrounding yourself with loving support
  • Birth is natural and instinctual.
  • Gratitude can change your attitude.
  • Be present with every feeling - even the not so pleasurable ones

And so much more!

Listen on our blog or via your favorite podcast platform


Join Debra to become a doula - we start next week!

Debra is one of the most experienced doula trainers in the world. With her unique brand of pleasure, Debra's DONA Birth Doula Training fulfills the classroom requirement of becoming a Certified Birth Doula.

Debra is a gentle powerhouse making a genuine difference in the world. The experience of being trained by someone who has so much insight and drive to create safety and pleasure for women is a joy. The team she works with models love and respect. Every woman was able to share openly in an atmosphere of caring and support. I felt the therapeutic impact on individuals was as significant as the training itself.
- Jo

Our first lesson begins on November 14th!

Love and pleasure,

P.S. Have you subscribed, rated, and reviewed my podcast yet? It truly helps more people to find us and that will in turn help us to keep bringing more inspiring content to you. Send me a screenshot of your review for a chance to win a special prize - the winner will receive a copy of my ebook!

Debra Pascali-Bonaro

Orgasmic Birth

Debra Pascali-Bonaro is a world-renowned inspirational speaker, podcaster, filmmaker, doula trainer, childbirth educator, and author. Debra’s podcast, Orgasmic Birth heals barriers and opens the door to share secrets to more love and intimacy in birth and parenting. She brings together her passion for pleasure in every aspect of life with her Jersey-Girl attitude of talking about what no one is talking about! Debra is a mother, grandmother and featured expert in parenting journals and media around the world. Debra is also Co-Chair of the International Childbirth Initiative and Chair of the International MotherBaby Childbirth Initiative both of which promote safe, respectful maternity care. She is a Lamaze International childbirth educator, birth and postpartum doula trainer with DONA International, Director of the award-winning documentary Orgasmic Birth: The Best-Kept Secret and co-writer of “Orgasmic Birth: Your Guide to a Safe, Satisfying and Pleasurable Birth”, Author of The Ultimate Guide To Sex After Baby: Secrets to Love and Intimacy and the Founder & President of the revolutionary online childbirth class Pleasurable Birth Essentials which prepares expectant mothers, fathers, and partners to be positively prepared for birth and focuses on the intimate and sacred nature of birth. Debra’s passion comes from her over 30 years of working with women, men, midwives, doulas, physicians and nurses in over 40 countries bringing comfort, love, and pleasure to birth and life!

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